nec laudibus nec timore

nec laudibus nec timore
Sigrid Countess von Galen

Monday, January 02, 2017

Put the truth on the map, and make justice and peace your allies - suddenly the mercenaries do no longer set a trap and mind their own gap! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

A Smile from the Heart, compassion and true friendship are the real allies of truth, justice and peace!

 By Sigrid Countess von Galen

A Smile from the Heart, compassion and true friendship are the real allies of truth, justice and peace!

These two triangles are the foundations of a world that lives in the hearts of people, for whom decency, integrity and treating fellow human beings as family is the norm!

A foundation that is built on mutual sacred trust is to the believers of the simple truth,which is inscribed  in good hearts and souls, and who listen and act on it, long a living reality. It does not demand a twisted creed of envy, blood vows and mammon worship but it lets human beings dwell free of hell and allows neighbours to be friends and family by helping each other to raise and grow in basic happiness and in a natural unity of the human spirit - by being there and helping, where one is needed with one's God given gifts to bring about to peace and justice through the truth selflessly all necessary shifts!

In the small things as in the big issues of old and in our times - we only need to feed and nourish each other with truth and share our food, and listen to the worries and fears and dry a mourner's desperate tears! 

There is no need for secret knowledge or magic - we only need to serve each other selflessly in the desire for lasting peace through justice and truth, and cut off anybody, who tries to sow envy, lust or greed, and who tries to impose on a decent majority lies and the evil of a minority, as allowing evil in our midst does always end tragic.

Evil must be challenged peacefully and can be eradicated very effectively in leading by example oneself, and to grow as a human being by giving selflessly to the family and community and individually in all the ways we are being shown in our hearts. 

The path of wrath was always a cul-de-sac, even if warmongers try with PR to make it appear like a milky way - the truth, on the other hand, is the only way to true justice and peace. Let's go on it together, wherever you are! 

Share, whatever vision you are being given in your dreams at the right time in the right place and answer a troubled soul's screams,if called by your name in your heart, and are shown the suffering or repentant caller's face!

But avoid any evil space and always do the truth in the right space tell, especially, if you can end a most unholy and longlasting fight! Do not fear to cause even to the biggest evildoer a crocodile tear, as with the truth in highest places suddenly near, even former leaders have finally to take up their cross and make up for many an innocent lives loss, and surrender their ritual knives and confess their mess not just to their wives but also to the public! 

Amazing grace, when a Police Dog smells a scent or finds a match of DNA and identifies under a mask the filler of and killer via a poisonous flask, who fakes even with a double the trick with a cubic construction from Rubrik and rests on false laurels of a union of nations that he secretly divided in all ways evil with sponsoring terrorism and holding a monopoly on causing purposefully rifts with many a schism! 

As he worships an entity of greed, lust and mammon, and blames it on God and the devil, when his plots are being put closely on the investigative truth lights and spots, and s/he also falsely names and wrongly blames those, who are a loose end to its every golden goose operation in every nation and weapons and viruses of mass destruction under the radar illegally and unethically via contacts in freemasonry and other secret mercenary societies in all lethal varieties tests!

Beware of a papal seal,when a wolf in sheep clothes invites Muslims and Jews to his garden for a deal, just to blame them in the future before his pews for his own deep cover assassin creed fatal shots, and to send in disguise his own cardinals and bishops as terrorist crews!

That is a reality, which needs to be peacefully but most effectively ended by the United Nations that must stop the Vatican before it abuses all its mercenaries in all countries strategically for its fourth empire obsession and suddenly and strategically bombs and disease not just on ethnic minorities drops!

'Enough is enough is enough!' testified more than one cardinal, bishop and priest, who were treated not just to a most poisonous cough but also tortured and framed and falsely named by their popes. Only the truth in all matters and affairs can sustain real peace and of justice not just hopes but make the unity in the human spirit a reality!

Is anybody out there, who simply puts the facts of most sinister acts on the negotiation table and ends once and for all the lies and shuts the sandcastles of every warmonger, who will always find an excuse to start a war for the latest kill and to wipe out in the sky even the last star!

Don't fuse with warmongers but leave them to bury their own dead, whilst the rest of the human beings eat candy and chocolate and exchange truth and live in true friendship and as a big family that visits each other all over the earth, where there is a safe kitchen hearth as a long lost family!!!

That is my prayer! Make it a reality!


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