nec laudibus nec timore

nec laudibus nec timore
Sigrid Countess von Galen

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Doomsday Clock for those, who commit organised criminality under abuse of immunity, as they no longer get impunity, especially, when they in greed overdose and in contempt at their victims fret, as the law enforcement agencies have even taken of drugs irregularities and illegal laboratories at certain vets even internationally stock, By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Doomsday Clock for those, who commit organised criminality under abuse of immunity, as they no longer get impunity, especially, when they in greed overdose and in contempt at their victims fret, as the law enforcement agencies have even taken of drugs irregularities and illegal laboratories at certain vets even internationally stock,

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

There comes the time, where no longer people can hide conveniently behind diplomatic immunity and impunity with their organised criminality and hypocrisy, and towards the law 

as their secret society has become with one notoriety too many locally, nationally and internationally even to a democracy and monarchy and a whole country a liability, and neither individually nor collectively can there be with the facts of most vicious and malicious criminal acts any way of deniability - 

as the one good God judges morally and His justice is based on truth and truth alone and not on corrupt lame games with a ping-pong  system of putting on other names false shames and blames under secret society cones.

There comes the time, where no longer people can hide conveniently behind diplomatic immunity and impunity with their organised criminality and hypocrisy, and towards the law 
leniently, as their secret society has become with one notoriety too many locally, nationally and internationally even to a democracy and monarchy and a whole country a liability, 

and neither individually nor collectively can there be with the facts of most vicious and malicious criminal acts any way of deniability - as the one good God judges morally and His justice is based on truth and truth alone and not on corrupt lame games with a ping-pong  system of putting on other names false shames and blames under secret society cones.

There comes the time, where Jesus Christ simply hands back to all senders and law benders and purposeful reoffenders their stones, and cuts them off from the book of life and confronts them with their victims' 'clones' in the street, where the evildoers suddenly freeze, when a dead man or woman are walking again on a pair of resurrected feet. 

Of course, that person is just a double and would the shocked criminals not greet, but it sends suddenly and a cold enough chill down the spine of a secret society plotter, who then knows that another secret society sends with that apparition for their member's deadly and premature loss the bill eventually to the ghost spotter for the contract murder with poison, insulin or a ritual knife. And suddenly, murder under diplomatic immunity and impunity does no longer give to the murderers a thrill!

Especially, when even an almost entire community or company or organisation like a charity has subscribed to blackmail, bribery and secret society notoriety and was supplied with deadly medicines freely and easily and with secret society lectures on the perfect murder with complimentary training added in the top four ranks of the various hierarchies,  so that with their networks of all walks of life cover ups could be arranged and bodies disappear or deaths certified and any crime denied under abuse of authority!

And make that organised criminals, who pose as the average boring neighbour, who fake even frailty and from their own wife, mother, husband, sister, brother, child their freedom and human dignity take and them subject to torture and abuse and eventually death, and often under sulphur breath also secretly in delusions of power with black magic and obsessions with lust and in greed overdose.

There comes the time, where all this organised crime bounces back on the evildoers themselves tragic, when  former members of their devil's den finally confess to their crimes and have had enough to maltreat, cheat and to treat the only true friends, whom they ever had, and who had made them selflessly part of their family, to their death! As there comes the time, where the evildoers can no longer hide from their own mirror and from their awakening conscience, as they do suddenly in justification for their evil lack, when even the United Nations know, that the evildoers do at the cost of holy lives lost through the secret societies' knives of freemasonry and templar knights and all other mercenaries in blackholes even the donations for charity from around the world on private number accounts stack!

And there comes the time, where to the name of each criminal is attached their every crime, and where they have to bear the cross of their own shame and blame, and where their spells for gaining fame ends in the Interpol frame! And that includes also many an ordinary neighbour, who travelled abroad under stolen identity or under a mask, and who played midwife and took a life with a ritual knife and went back home within hours and did yet another premium on top of the bounty for a life taken stack!

Or others did for piratery into their neighbours' accounts hack and painted their white reputation black with pitchdark shades of grey and under use of newly sharpened kitchen blades! And these kind of groundfloor gardeners also have always  ready a secret society spade and an allocated spot and time slot under their shed or a bush, just in time hurriedly severed bodyparts into a hole to push before yet another secret society's mole can see enough to blackmail out of them another dole. 

And suddenly, there has come the time, where even individual victims are no longer isolated and talk about their experience at these hands of organised crime and realise that it was all along the same man and woman, who did also them everywhere stalk and who only did pretend the dog to walk, and who never ever really did anybody selflessly a helping hand lend.

And there has come the time, where one can see in the evildoers' own eyes that they start to look at themselves through God's reflection in their victims' eyes, and the evildoers get nothing but silent disgust at their greed and lust and suddenly rather from their amassed piratery part and with a voluntary confession without concession contact the MI5 and make as probands a new start in a life of penance and repentance! Before their neighbour report their crimes to the authorities and it comes out that daughters poisoned their mothers and contemplate on doing the same to their fathers or vice versa or brothers put their sisters to the slaughter or a husband tried to kill his wife or the other way round each with their secret 
society's ritual poison or knife!

Envy is death, and complacency and silence at evil also kills, and eventually killing for frills is no longer satisfactorily fulfilling eventually to an addict their lust for thrills. And organisations, whose members abuse confidentiality and their clients' trust, when the latter are at their lowest in vulnerability, like f.ex.  in AA and Weightwatchers, who seem to be especially a playground for blackmail and recruiting of secret societies, need to face up to their responsibility that comes with their push for not just capital gains but also for a further a shore territory!

There has come the time, where a crime is exposed as a crime, when even countries overdosed in greed and failed to even recognise another nation's basic need for justice and truth and peace that is lasting! Stuff your bloody fasting, ye evil hierarchies,who are even at a Chrism mass spells of hells casting! 

As the time has come, where the one good God rips from your faces your mask and takes you all up on your responsibility for peace and justice through the truth to task and no longer looks on patiently, how each of you piety fakes as a con, and offers poison to him from a flask, and He takes away your diplomatic immunity and impunity, as with the facts of your criminal acts blasted into the ether with the wind, you are each one hell of a liability with your secret society cone and thrown stone and you will no mercy in the one good God's sentencing find, as there is no deniability to your sins, and even your kins put you through your mind's grind, as you let even them play for you the clown and in their tears for fears drown, when they saw you wearing a stolen gown and out on your head a stolen St Istvan crown! 

Need I say more?! You better write a confession letter and put wrong right in your shore and ashore and give up your unholy criminal deadly fight! Or you will find yourself in your own hell's darkness without any hope, and without any light, and evildoers never can really with their own company as sole entity cope! They can't stand isolation and expect always returns for their investments of their infestments - but one, who does not confess wholly and unreservedly and who does not do penance unconditionally won't get consolidation nor will find condolation and will be simply buried in an anonymous grave in an urn, and will forever in their own hell burn or as hell's slave for the poor for free tirelessly butter churn! 

The time has come, for all, not just for some, who have sinned and evil grinned to pay their dues, and they will never ever be calling anywhere home, as their dome won't have the right clues, where to find the one good God and His eternal beloved family of holy souls, as He protects them and heals them from the evildoers' fouls.


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